Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Header Requester, SILA TENGOK EMAIL ANDA Lagi !

Ok dah siap tok smue.. klu tak suke, xpe. klu mahu tukar, let me know but please give me more time, pastu sape nak request let me know just p link kat atas tu yg tulis "free editing services" and tolong la fulfilled arahan yg diberi, bukan soh follow or ape just gtau pixel header je cause that is very important to me.. ok ini hasil terbaru... lihat lah mereka...lol:

(p/s: TRIMAS TO LISA, sebab die topup tok KOPI RM10, tak sangka, den buat keje ikhlas tapi die still nak blanje besela KOPI kan student wajar dibantu hahaha.. trimas seribu kali trimas.. di harap beliau berjaya dengan business beliau...) 
(double p/s: saya tidak memilih wanita, and im not bias on gender, tapi yang slalu request wanita mane blogger JANTAN nih.. aduhai...)


  1. salam

    wah semua lebih kurang je ni.
    and cantik2.. pink kesemuanya...:)

  2. jom lar.. cik bambam belanja milo tabur lak..kekekekek.. :P

  3. apezs konferm r same dah kat blogger wanita, nak bunga la nak pink la... ayoo sakit gak mate aku negok pink2 nih.... ekeleh bambam, ape barang milo tabur, better kasi milo 3in1 satu bundle bleh wat minum b4 p class... bujang la katekan..

  4. thanx kamooo..special entry 4 u...=)

  5. hee,,nice nice !! ;))
    kopi nie umor bape ekk ??
    fie blanje lolipop nak ??

  6. http://iffahimani.blogspot.com/2011/03/header-free-from-rahimiarafpin.html

    Thankz..special for u...come look n c u there 8 my blog...

  7. beruntungla orang2 yang matang bila berfikir, waras bila berkata2 & bertimbangrasa bila bertindak :)

    all the best!!

  8. tankz ya incik kopi
    i da post psl u n da click pun kat encik nuff tu..hehe




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