Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Berita Lama tapi Kita Patut Bersyukur (Vaksin Demam Denggi)

Syukur atas kejayaan saintis Thailand yg berjaya hasilkan vaksin demam denggi... 

BANGKOK, Monday 21 February 2011 (Bernama) -- Thai scientists have developed the world's first dengue vaccine and its mass production is expected in less than 10 years.
Strains and vaccines for four types of dengue virus have been developed and tested in animals and the next stage will be developing the mixture and tests on humans before the vaccine production begins.
...Four dengue viruses are the Serotype 1, Serotype2, Serotype3 and Serotype4.
Dr Boonsook said the most challenging task during the research was to develop strains of the Serotype3 virus through genetic engineering as it had never been developed in a laboratory before.
"It took us 10 years for the categorisation of the four viruses and the last three years for the development of strains and vaccine," she said.
She said tests on a monkey for vaccine against the Serotype1 virus showed that the animal managed to develop immunisation and later produce its own antibody against the virus.
"Successful vaccine tests also have been conducted against the other three types of viruses by using mice," she said....
p/s: saintis Malaysia perlu tingkatkan produktiviti tok kesihatan... and orang ramai lak klu dah ada vaksin tu jgn la lupa plak jaga kebersihan kawasan tempat tinggal terutama tempat ades membiak tuh ye!

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